Building A Mono Truss
building a mono truss
Mono trusses are used on flat roofs, and are called mono because they pitch one way only. they result is a nearly flat roof with just enough pitch to drain water. support planet mojo -- https. A how-to on homemade wood truss construction. this feature is not available right now. please try again later.. In such a case the mono-pitched roof is placed lower than the ceiling height of the building provided that the ceiling is a flat one. as a result, the mono-pitched part of the roof comes with a raked or sloped line of the ceiling in order to maximize the height of the ceiling.. building a mono truss Apr 26, 2014 - are you planning on building a new veranda, porch lean too roof on your house, cottage, garage, cottage or shed? need help to build the mono truss veranda yourself? if so, these plans you will save you tons of money by showing you how to custom-build your own roof mono trusses for a veranda roof …. End trusses close in the end of a building and provide a nailing surface for the upper end wall or rigid sheathing. these trusses are positioned on the top plate of the endwall so the entire bottom chord is supported by the wall. any weight imposed on the end truss is directly transferred to the endwall, which transfers the weight to the.